Krissy (ljkrissy) wrote in news,

Who needs a bear hug?

It's been a rough week all around for the LiveJournal community and staff, and I've got to admit I'm a little nervous to come back and post to news! Everyone on the team is truly sorry for what we all went through, and we’re hoping to get back to our version of normal as soon as we can.

We thank you for the calls and faxes, comments and posts. While we can't answer each one individually, we did take note of everyone's input and will be using that to improve our process and policies going forward. Do note that barakb25 just posted again here, prior to this post. We're going to be moving future announcements and discussion regarding these issues to lj_biz.

Now, to completely change the subject, here's the latest news!

DDoS Attack & LJ Downtime

For about a week, LiveJournal suffered from a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and at times we were being hit with over 10 times our normal traffic load. This type of attack can cause LiveJournal to be completely unavailable, so when they happen our top priority is to keep the site up and running. Unfortunately, some of our defense mechanisms caused problems for legitimate users and we're really sorry about that. As of Wednesday, June 6th, the site should be back to normal for everyone.

We dislike downtime and degradation of service and assure you we did everything we could to restore service as soon as possible. The experience has allowed us to learn a bit more about how to handle such attacks, so we will be even better prepared if it happens again.

New Logged-In Homepage

Thank you for all the feedback and bug reports you offered while we were beta testing the new logged-in homepage! We’ve addressed the issues you brought up and it's now live for everyone to use.

We wanted to create a page that pulled together some of the more useful information around LJ, and bring in some of the most frequently-used modules from My LJ as well. We'll be building new modules as other features become available (like private messaging, and improved directory and content search). Stay tuned!

New for Paid Members: Poll Notifications

You worked hard to craft up that creative poll, now you can track when someone votes in it! To get notified when any poll you posted gets new votes, paid members can subscribe to the new notification under My Account.

Calling All Beta Testers: Vertigo Testing

We're thisclose to launching Vertigo, which is the "vertical" version of the default "Horizon" site scheme with all the navigation links going down the left side (rather than Horizon’s "horizontal" drop-down menus across the top). We've been collecting and incorporating your feedback since the last beta test, but we still need your help here in the home stretch.

We're looking for users to test in various browsers and give us bug reports for both Vertigo and Horizon. Join the beta test and follow the feedback link to share your thoughts.

V-gifts For Every Occasion

In this brand new batch we've got virtual gifts for Father's Day (Sunday, June 17th) as well as new ways to commemorate birthdays. The new birthday gifts will sure come in handy when you get a reminder for a friend's upcoming birthday.

Speaking of LJ friends, one of the coolest things about the LiveJournal community is the depth of friendship and relationships a lot of us have fostered and relied upon for support here, both in journals and communities. We're adding a few gifts you can send when someone's been a good friend, including our first animated v-gift: the bear hug.

You can select and send your v-gifts through the Gift Shop!

Who needs a bear hug? Tell us why you need a bear hug in the comments, and we'll send some to a few random commenters.

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