theljstaff (theljstaff) wrote in news,

Account Settings, Birthday Fun, Happy Valentine's

Account Settings
Valentine's Day

There's a Setting for That!

One of the great things about LJ (we think) is the level of control you have over all the different settings. One of the less great things about LJ has been that those settings are scattered all over the place, making it hard to keep track of them or even know that they exist. Back in October we organized all these settings into one central area (cleverly called Account Settings) and put it in beta. We tweaked it a bit based on your feedback and now we're releasing it out into the wide world of LJ. You can find and manage all your settings by clicking Account at the top of any page when you're logged in (it's right next to your username). You'll be amazed at all the things you can do!

Birthday Fun for Everyone

As you might have heard, LiveJournal crosses into double digits this year, age-wise, and we're celebrating with a book commemorating the first 10 years of LJ. Many of you have already paid a visit to lj_turns10, the community for all things LJ-birthday, and given us lots of great ideas for things to go in the book. To keep the suggestions rolling in, we have a new question for you this week: How has LJ changed the world? There can be a lot of crossover between your LJ and your RL, and we want to know all about it. We're looking for specific entries from journals and communities about moments when real-world events spilled over into LiveJournal and vice versa. This could be anything from an entry about how someone met their true love on LJ to entries posted in the midst of sweeping historical events like Hurricane Katrina or September 11. As always, a link to the specific entry is appreciated. Think about it and then head on over to lj_turns10 and meet us at the intersection of LJ Street and Real Life Avenue.

Some of you have been asking how this whole book thing is going to work when it comes to copyright and permissions. All your original content belongs to you and we won't (can't!) use it without your permission. When we decide which entries we want to use, we'll contact the authors and ask for permission to use their entry in the book. If we don't get permission, we won't put it in.

The Easiest Way to Say i <3 u

Ahhh Valentine's Day, the holiday that celebrates love in all its many splendors. Some people love it. Others, not so much. This year, however you feel about flowers, hearts, and chocolates, we've got you covered in the Gift Shop. A heart-shaped, lace-trimmed shipment of Valentine's v-gifts just arrived and we think there's no better way to say "I love you" (or "@#$! Valentine's Day") than with a charming arrangement of pixels sent to your friends' profile pages.

And remember, LJ <3 u!

You can get the full scoop on this week's release in lj_releases.
Tags: account settings, anniversary anthology, lj tenth birthday, valentine's day

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