theljstaff (theljstaff) wrote in news,

My Guests, LiveJournal Messenger, New Polls Features, New Mobile Service

My Guests: Set Your Preference
LiveJournal Messenger
New Polls Feature
New Mobile Service
Edit Your Comments

Getting Ready for Guests

If you've ever wanted to know who's been looking at your journal, you'll be very interested in our upcoming My Guests feature.

Users opted-in to our Cyrillic services are already familiar with My Guests, and now we're working on opening it up to all our users. Now you'll be able to see who's been visiting your journal and other users will be able to see that you have come a-calling.

That is, if you want them to. We know not everyone is into that kind of visibility, which is why we've made My Guests opt-in. We just need you to set your preferences for the feature before we launch it. The next time you go to the Home page or Account Settings, you'll be prompted by a dialog box asking you whether you want to enable My Guests or not.

When it comes to My Guests, you're either in or you're out. Enabling My Guests means that you will see who visits your journal and will be visible to others when visiting their journals. If you choose not to enable My Guests, your name will not be visible in other users' My Guests reports and you will not see a report of visitors to your journal.

The default setting is for My Guests to be turned off, but the dialog box will keep appearing until you make a selection. To help you make a fully informed choice, there's a more detailed description of My Guests in this post in lj_feedback.

LiveJournal Messenger

We've added a new way to chat directly with your friends on LJ: LiveJournal Messenger, powered by Windows Live ID. LiveJournal Messenger is an in-browser chat client, which means you don't have to install anything after you've turned it on. All it takes is a Windows Live ID linked to your LiveJournal account. To turn on LiveJournal Messenger, go to the Extensions tab on the Account Settings page and check the box to turn on LiveJournal Messenger. You'll be prompted to create a Windows Live ID with your LiveJournal username, and then you can get started chatting with all your LJ friends. You can also receive all your LJ notifications in LiveJournal Messenger, so you can chat away and still keep up with your LJ. Check out the FAQ for all the details on how to use LiveJournal Messenger.

New in Polls

What's the best way to find out what people think? Poll them, of course! You can learn all kinds of useful stuff by creating a poll for your readers, and now we've added something even more useful: the number of participants in the poll. When there are multiple questions in a poll, it can be hard to figure out exactly how many people responded. Some may have answered every question and others only a few. Or maybe there's only one question but users gave multiple answers. You know the total number of answers, but not how many people gave you those answers. Now when you look at polls, you can see how many unique users participated. So do not ask for whom the poll tolls, but for how many.

We're putting the finishing touches on a new mobile service and we need your help as we finalize this feature. offers mobile users a streamlined interface with full LJ functionality. Optimized for modern mobile devices, makes using LJ on your mobile phone faster and easier when you're out and about, with links to your journal and your Friends, Profile, and Post an Entry pages all right there in one place. We'd love for you to try out the new mobile service and let us know what you think in the comments over at lj_feedback.

(And if you're currently using, don't worry, it's not going anywhere for the time being.)

Take It Back with a Paid Account

You know what they say: comment in haste, repent in leisure. Whether it's because you've had time to think through your argument a little more clearly or you can't stand the thought of a misspelled word standing for eternity, there can be a lot to regret in commenting too quickly. Those lucky users with Paid accounts, however, don’t have to worry about such things. That's because one of the many perks of having a Paid account is that you can edit your comments. So if you've ever clicked Post Comment in the heat of the moment and lived to regret it, it might be time to upgrade to a Paid account.

As always, you can get the full scoop on this week's release in lj_releases.
Tags: edit comments, livejournal messenger,, my guests, new mobile services, polls

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