Calling all ghoulies, ghosties, and gothy vampires
In response to user requests, we've added limited-time Halloween-themed userheads to the gift shop so you can trick or treat in true LiveJournal fashion. These userheads will mysteriously vanish from the shop during the first week of November (although once you buy one, it's yours to keep for a full year), so be sure to get yours today! |
Help us fight the war on hate
In recognition of the need to invoke a zero tolerance policy against anti-LGBT bullying in schools, we're pleased to offer a charitable vgift. We'll be contributing 100% of proceeds (we'll cover payment processing fees) to Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, an organization dedicated to ending hate-based bullying and homophobia in schools. We hope you'll join us in supporting this vital mission. If you're getting involved today, or everyday, in the fight for LGBT rights and awareness, we'd love to hear about it in comments! |
Support breast cancer awareness
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we've added a pink ribbon vgift to support Pink Ribbon International, an organization that promotes global awareness of breast cancer; funds scientific research on cures and treatment; and provides information, resources, and guidance to breast cancer patients, caregivers, friends, and family. We'll donate 100% of proceeds from the sale of this vgift to benefit this cause (we'll cover payment processing fees). We thank you for helping us make a positive difference. |
Did you know ...?
This week, we're talking about how to filter and view Friends pages to discover new journals and communities. To view public entries on the Friends page of a community or someone else's journal, simply append "/friends" to the URL (i.e., or
Paid and permanent users can also view recent public entries from friends of friends, by clicking the 'Friends of Friends' link under the Friends tab in the upper nav bar. For additional information, check out this FAQ. We'll be back next week with another fun tip! |
Hot rods for our paid users!
If you have a paid or permanent account, you can send five free hot rods now until Monday, October 25th, at 4pm, PDT! You'll see both the free and the $0.99 cars displayed until they've vroomed off to your friends. If you're not receiving vgifts (from friends and/or Frank), you may have disabled them. To enable vgifts, visit Edit profile (under Profile), scroll down to the bottom of the page, and check your settings. We wish you happy travels! |
For our featured photo and more fun with Frank & Meme (as told by LJ writers), we'll catch you under the cut!
Photos of the week
Congrats to katruk, who won our 41st lj_photophile poll! Click here to help choose the next photo of the week.
We also invite you to vote on this week's themed contest on the subject of "Decay" right here. FYI: We pick entries for the polls based on a combination of comments, +1 ratings, and staff input. Winners of both polls receive 500 LJ tokens. We thank you for sharing your talent with the global LiveJournal community. |
Frank & Meme's Excellent Adventure
Congratulations to kirax2 for penning the winning chapter--Choose Your Own Adventure--in the Frank and Meme Saga. We'll now begin accepting entries for the next contest. Thank you for helping us keep the drama alive! |
Thanks, again, for joining us. We'll see you next week!
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