Free Paid Account Trial!
We're pleased to announce an easy way to get acquainted with the benefits of a LiveJournal Paid Account! All free users are invited to participate in a free, two-week Paid Account trial. Simply click here to enroll, and you can:
If you decide to upgrade your account to a full Paid Account during or after the trial, you'll keep all of your new settings. If you don't upgrade, your account will revert to its previous settings, although some settings will be retained in case you decide to upgrade in the future (such as uploaded userpics and any Notes you've created). Just a final note: You cannot purchase add-ons (either userpics or storage space) during the course of the free trial. We look forward to hearing what you think! |
Header design contest
Congratulations to erzsebet who won this month's header design contest. You'll be seeing this lovely design on the top of LiveJournal during the month of March. For our next contest, we're requesting entries on the general theme of health and healing in honor of our new game, Sim Hospital. We'll accept entries up through Monday, March 21st at 4PM, PDT. If you submitted a header after the last deadline, it will be automatically entered into the next contest. Just a reminder: The winner gets 2,500 LJ Tokens. Finalists receive 1,000 LJ Tokens. All other participants get 500 LJ Tokens (a limit of one award per user). We thank you, again, for making LiveJournal your canvas! |
Listen up!
If you have a paid or permanent account (or if you've signed up for our free Paid Account trial), you can send five free headphones now until Monday, March 7th, at 4pm, PDT! You'll see both the free and the $0.99 gifts displayed until you've sent them to your friends. If you're not receiving vgifts (from friends and/or Frank), you may have disabled them. To enable vgifts, visit Edit profile (under Profile), scroll down to the bottom of the page, and check your settings. Happy listening! |
Did you know ...?
We believe you should be in control of what you view on LiveJournal. That's why we're talking about adult flagging this week. Don't want to see nudity? Fine. Want to read erotica? That's a-okay too. What we really care about is making sure that there are no unwelcome surprises when you visit a journal or community. One of the ways you can help is to flag adult posts, whether they're individual entries, entire journals, or communities. Here's how:
Photo of the week
Congrats to simply_feliz, who won our 57th lj_photophile poll! Click here to help choose the next photo of the week. FYI: We pick entries for the polls based on a combination of comments, +1 ratings, and staff input. Winners of both polls receive 500 LJ tokens. We thank you for sharing your talent with the global LiveJournal community. |
Welcome back, dear scribes
Thank you for your awesome submissions. After aching deliberation, we selected five finalists for your review. In addition to the joy of sharing your well-turned phrases, the three authors with the most votes will each win 1,000 LJ Tokens. Finalists will receive 500 LJ Tokens (a limit of one award per user). For our next prompt, please respond to the following in the form of poetry or prose: "She sat upon the sheetless bed, recalling years of sleepless nights ..." Be sure to post your submissions as entries, rather than comments, to lj_scribe up through Monday, March 4th, at 4PM, PDT. You'll find the +1 rating link under each post, so remember to check back and vote for your favorites! |
Frank and Meme's excellent adventure
Congratulations to kirax2, whose entry -- Into the Lions' Den -- was voted the next official chapter in the Frank and Meme saga. You may now start posting entries for the next context in frankandmeme. The winning author will be awarded 1,000 LJ Tokens. Other participating writers will receive 500 LJ Tokens. On behalf of our quarreling darlings, we thank you for keeping the drama alive! |
Thanks, again, for joining us. We'll see you next week!
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