It's time to rev up those creative juices for a LiveJournal theme contest! We invite you to post your original designs (thumbnails, with full-sized images under the cut) up through Monday, April 18th, 2011 at 4PM, PDT in remixed. We'll select up to five winners, based on +1 ratings and staff input. Each winner will receive 2,500 LJ Tokens! All other participants will receive 500 LJ Tokens (a maximum of one award per user). Winning themes will be made available to all users without charge. Here are the official rules (you'll also find them posted on the Remixed Profile page).
- Your style should be based on this sample PSD file.
- You can style all the elements in the PSD file as you desire. You can resize, reshape, and move any of the elements so long as you keep the sidebar with the 300x250 ad. Be sure not to remove any elements from the PSD file. You can check out other themes for inspiration.
- The total width must be 940 pixels. There are guides in the PSD file that display the width. The background may extend beyond these limits, but all content (entries, calendar, ad, etc) must stay within these parameters to qualify for the contest. You can only use original images for which you have exclusive rights. If we determine that you do not own an image, your entry will be disqualified.
- Submit your design as a PNG file. If you win, we'll ask you to submit the PSD file.
We can't wait to see your designs!
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