livejournal wrote in news

Sum up your year in LJ with your personal infographics

New Year's eve is the best time to sum up the year and make new plans.

Seems that Mr. Kapusta isn't fancy about Frank's plans

We don't know how good 2017 was for you, but we know how it was in LiveJournal! And we have something for you here — personal infographics of your blog in 2017!

Go to You year in LJ page and get your personal card!

@grrm's card

You could share it to your journal and social networks.

LiveJournal team wishes you creative blogging in 2018! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

P.S. By the way, during the next two weeks (until 10th January) we are pleased to offer you 18% discount in LJ Shop for Professional package and paid services (except LJ Tokens and promo).

With love,
LiveJournal Team.

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