livejournal wrote in news

Discounts in LJ Shop and a Contest for the Most Beautiful Christmas Tree!

Dear Friends,

what do you prefer the most: buy the Professional package of service for a year at a discount, win a free month of it, — or both?! Well, we have good news for you then! Let us tell you!

Winter sale!

The annual winter sale has begun in LiveJournal Shop! You can buy everything but LJ coins with 21% off! You can purchase a Professional package of service for yourself or for your friend, change your userhead, rename your account or send a virtual gift!

You can buy everything but LJ coins with 21% off!
You can buy everything but LJ coins with 21% off!

Psst... frank has something to tell you!

 He has launched a new contest... for the most beautiful Christmas tree! It was suddenly for us too, but we happily support his idea!

The rules are pretty simple:

Just take a picture of your tree and post it in your JL blog with the hashtag #holidayswithfrank 🎄

Works for the contest are accepted until 12:00 PM (MSK) 01/10/22! Read more in frank journal:

Happy New Year, friends!

With love,

LJ Team

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