Please only reply here if a) you're in the Seattle area, or b) you're not in the Seattle area but would come.
We're trying to decide if we should go ahead with this yet. Otherwise we're still going to have another LJ party, but sometime else.
Friends! News for everyone who likes to share their opinion and writes comments actively! Behold a new achievement! Now your activity regarding…
Friends! It's time for good news for all active LJ users! We’re happy to present a new special achievement for Likes. From now on, supporting…
Folks! The anniversary hashmob #LJ25, where we asked everyone to tell the world about themselves and their blog within the 25 point…
Friends! News for everyone who likes to share their opinion and writes comments actively! Behold a new achievement! Now your activity regarding…
Friends! It's time for good news for all active LJ users! We’re happy to present a new special achievement for Likes. From now on, supporting…
Folks! The anniversary hashmob #LJ25, where we asked everyone to tell the world about themselves and their blog within the 25 point…
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