Insomnia (insomnia) wrote in news,

latest voting update...

Update 6/27 5:00 PM PST -

LiveJournal seems to be slipping in the polls, dropping to only a 3% lead over Blogger in the Personal Site category, and leading PayPal in the Services category by just 1% of the vote.

For the past couple days, I haven't had to ask for anyone's vote or post about the race. That's a good thing, since I really don't like having to ask for votes. Still, part of my job is to do what is needed for LiveJournal to succeed, and LiveJournal really could use a Webby award in order to get a fraction of the attention that Blogger or UserLand get for their weblog applications. I hate to do it, but I am willing to ask, plead, and beg in order to accomplish something that would very much help LiveJournal become a more successful open source project and a more successful business. It's just part of the job, even if it is my least favorite part, and I am not willing to explain to Brad when he comes back from his vacation that LiveJournal lost its chance at a Webby because I failed to do my job.

Everyday, Blogger and PayPal pick up votes that we, frankly, never get a chance at, since we are not on the ballot. At this rate, it is quite possible that we can lose our lead in both categories unless we do something about it now.

Please, do what you can to stop this from happening. Write in your vote for LiveJournal for the Personal and Services awards! If you want to be especially supportive, post to your journal about it. Let's all get together and win this one as a team!

My appologies about having to ask for your help again. I want to thank those of you who have helped us or who have been patient and supportive through all of this. It really has helped to hear from so many of you who really care about LiveJournal and want us to win this thing. So let's win it, already!

All for now,

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