Evan Martin (evan) wrote in news,
Evan Martin

LiveJournal Server Install Pics

Remember how we moved LiveJournal to Internap a while back?

We took some pictures of our new home, but never got around to looking at them.

(Yeah, we're geeks.)

Click on a picture to enlarge:
xb95 was very helpful.

sherm and (who is that on the right?) installing servers.

sherm and bradfitz.

Me, showing how useful I am at anything involving work.

chuck and bradfitz.

Most of the servers are installed.

bradfitz making some final changes using his laptop.

Front view. Much cleaner!

More last-minute changes...
(The night was mostly last-minute changes.)

Clockwise, from top: xb95, bradfitz, me, chuck.

chuck and xb95, taking a break.

Battle scars. Screwdrivers are dangerous!

Extra-special thanks are due to chuck for driving and providing the camera.

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