Jesse Proulx (jproulx) wrote in news,
Jesse Proulx

Taking it in a different direction.

Earlier this morning we stopped taking requests in the "customization" category of the support department, in an effort to alleviate some of the pressures of offering such a broad range of support. However, we're not ditching support for customization type inquiries. We'll just be taking it in a different direction:

We're going to be expanding our current documentation and we'll be encouraging everyone to help out by contributing their ideas and design talents. LiveJournal members will be able to get involved and contribute to our knowledge base much in the same way you can volunteer for the support or documentation departments. The howto journal will house more tutorials than ever, and will quickly become the definitive resource for customization purposes.

With S2 right around the corner (which is closer than you might think), we will hopefully have a vast resource of nifty customization information compiled and available for everyone to use.

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