In new feature news, we've added a new page called Recent Comments which shows some of the latest comments you've posted and received on LiveJournal. Free users are limited to only 10 recent comments, but paid accounts can pull up to 50. The page is useful if you've not received your comment notification e-mails lately, but it's still a beta version so it may change at any time.
In paidmembers
In picture hosting news we've widened our beta test to include permanent and paid early adopter accounts. Now we're getting a lot of great feedback which is helping us to polish FotoBilder and work out most of the bugs early on. We hope to have the service ready for all of our paid users before the end of August.
This update is pretty scant, but we've actually been working a lot on on infrastructure and stability changes, which has taken priority over new features. Almost all of our current effort is being put into refining our photo hosting service, so we'll have a better post (more information) for next month.
Have a fantastic August!
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