Abe Hassan (burr86) wrote in news,
Abe Hassan

upcoming changes

Posted on April Fools Day, 2007

Hi, all! It's been a while since I've done a [info]news (sponsored by Six Apart, makers of world-famous blogging software) post, but I'm incredibly excited to share this news with everyone and I called dibs on writing the announcement. *g*

We've long known that our services as a social network have been one of the greatest on the Internet. In fact, we see so many cultures that are formed around LiveJournal -- not to mention the friendships that form and the romances that blossom -- that we truly do believe that LiveJournal is one of the most thriving social networks in existence. Our userbase includes people from every background, belief, and ideology, and that's something we truly treasure.

We work tirelessly to preserve that atmosphere here on LiveJournal, but we also recognize that we need to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. Today we're pleased to announce that LiveJournal will be following in the footsteps of other popular websites -- many of which you frequent regularly! In fact, we're so excited that our design and engineering teams have been hard at work to make the changes that you've been wanting. We're starting with the home page, bringing a greater emphasis to both our featured content and our beloved advertisers. (We even thought we'd share a sneak preview of the new design. And, hey, how can you complain about a design that features pictures of LJ's top hotties -- me, revmischa, and veroz!)

Over the course of the next year, we'll be creating a LiveJournal (sponsored by Six Apart, makers of world-famous blogging software) like you've never seen before. To help foster togetherness, you'll soon find that every user on the site -- whether or not you've added them to your Friends list -- will be designated as a member of your broad circle of friends, so you can nudge them to update their journals if you want to hear from them. We'll also be adding bradfitz to everyone's Friends list -- what's not to love about the guy who created LiveJournal? And if you want to make friends, keep checking out our homepage, where you can make friends with the very same sponsors who keep LJ in business.

And, speaking of, we're thrilled to bring to you the latest in music entertainment. We're starting with a band that Mischa and his friends formed -- The Dirty Cache -- and we've created a featured community just for them! Check out lj_dirtycache for ringtones, wallpapers, and the latest new hits from The Dirty Cache. As time goes on, we're looking to expand to other popular bands as well. (Too bad the Spice Girls aren't still together, eh?) If you'd like to suggest a group for us to feature and then let us know -- but make sure that they've got several million dollars to spend, please.

We know that not everyone will be as excited about this as we are, and we know some of you will be very upset about this news. If you'd like to take out your frustration, give us the middle finger -- a virtual middle finger, which we'll be adding to our Gift Shop soon. As soon as 10,000 of you send us this gift, we'll be able to abandon working for LJ and go to Belize, where we can swim with the fish and be completely unable to voice post, to boot.

But we hope you're as excited as we are about our upcoming changes, even though it'll take us a year or so before we're happy with our improvements. By April 1 of next year, LiveJournal (sponsored by Six Apart, makers of world-famous blogging software) will have grown into one of the best services for teens we could ever dream to offer!

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